Coral Homes Group has an Internal Information System which comprises the following components:

  • A Corporate Whistleblower Channel (the “Channel”);
  • Persons responsible for the Internal Information System; and
  • An Internal Information System Procedure.

By making use of the Internal Information System, and particularly the Channel, you can quickly and easily report any situation or behaviour that involves a potential or actual breach of either the Group’s internal regulations or the applicable external regulations and that constitutes a criminal offence or an administrative or employment-related infringement. 

The submission of complaints via the Channel must adhere to the relevant criteria of truthfulness, responsibility, proportionality and good faith, and the reporting of false information is prohibited. The Channel may not be used for any purpose other than monitoring and ensuring compliance with the Coral Homes Group’s internal regulations and the legislation in force.

Nevertheless, any person who uses the Channel in good faith and on the basis of reasonable circumstantial evidence will have the required guarantee of protection afforded under the legislation in force, and they will be protected against any kind of reprisal, discrimination, disciplinary sanction or penalty arising from the complaint submitted. 

To submit your complaint you may select the option of submitting it anonymously, without the need to provide any kind of information that may be used to identify you. However, we would encourage you to identify yourself so that we can obtain more information about the events being reported. In any case, Coral Homes Group will guarantee maximum confidentiality with regard to your identity and any communications you may make via the secure communications Mailbox.

You can also consult the Coral Homes Group’s Internal Information System Policy and Procedure, where you will find more information on a range of issues, including (i) use of the Channel and the essential principles by which its management is governed; (ii) the conditions that must be met in relation to the submission, processing and resolution of complaints; and (iii) the various tasks and responsibilities associated with the Channel’s management.